Suspension of our activities – Press release

“From recognition of the role of nuclear power in the energy transition to the commissioning of power plants”.
Voices are celebrating the end of their Season 1: six years of existence and the fulfilment of their mandate to raise awareness and awaken public opinion.
As of 18 December 2023, the association has suspended its operations due to a lack of the financial support they need to launch season 2 of their activities.
At the beginning of 2018, we made the choice to include the word “nuclear” in our name, prompting astonishment, consternation and even laughter from those who thought that nuclear power would never escape the taboo and web of misinformation that enclosed it. But it worked. We had to accept the taboo in order to denounce it.
Voices of Nuclear played a key role in the shift in public opinion we are witnessing today, in France and increasingly in the European Union and beyond.
Voices now represents over 600 members and has reached an audience of several hundred thousand people. We have access to decision-makers in national and international organisations, take part in consultations and consultations on French and European energy policies, take part in debates in the media, and have established ourselves in the social networking landscape.
We’ve done it as volunteers, exhausting our families, sacrificing our free time, our nights, our careers, for what we believe is an essential path to the future.
We’re looking for producers for season 2
The expectations and challenges of Season 2 require the association to be scaled up: to have employees, premises and paid working time. They also require funding.
Never before has the world been so dependent on fossil fuels, never before have we felt the effects of climate change, never before have we recognised that the other low-carbon energy sources available cannot solve the problem on their own, and never before have the nuclear power stations we need only existed on paper.
We are turning our backs on 30 years of anti-nuclearism, but it still deeply permeates the environment and the decision-making system, and we only have 30 years ahead of us to avoid the worst.
To do this, we need to have our own teams and resources, so that we can continue to be the rigorous, independent voice of citizens, guaranteeing their long-term interests. A voice that critically and constructively supports and advises the nuclear industry.
We have launched this transformative effort, but to make it a reality we need to secure the necessary resources.
Pending the financial support we need to meet the challenges and expectations we face, we are forced to suspend our activities from 18 December.
Members of Voices would like to extend their warmest thanks to all those who, through their words, actions and support, have contributed to this success. It is just as much theirs.
Thank you to those of you who are still able to help us make the case for the financial support we need.
We hope to see you again in Season 2 of Voices of Nuclear, when everything that was hoped for becomes reality.
The efforts have never ceased, and they never will.
You can help us relay this message!
If you have any questions or concerns about your proper representation as a pro-nuclear citizen, you can raise the issue of the possible disappearance of the Voices with your representatives.
Please note that if you take this step, we would like it to be positive in tone: many people support our cause and want to see the Voices continue, and it is important that we express our support.